7/17/20 - How To Show Support During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, musicans have been unable to work and have to find other ways to pay the bills. Right now, you can show your support a few different ways.
1. SPONSOR A WAKE ‘N BREAK EPISODE: Make a donation of any size and I’ll create whatever kind of groove you would like as well as give you a shout out in the intro. http://paypal.me/kindbeats
2. PURCHASE SOME MERCH: Head over to http://www.zazzle.com/store/kindbeats and get yourself some merch! New designs ranging from hoodies and shirts to face masks and stickers.
3. TAKE VIRTUAL LESSONS: Get your learn on! I’m currently available for Skype lessons. If you’re interested in setting up a session, contact me at kindbeats@kindbeatsdrums.com to work out specifics.
2/2/20 - Celebrating Five Full Years of Wake ‘N Break Grooves!
I don’t understand how five years have gone by since I started this series. 1,827 grooves and counting! This has been a labor of love from day one and I can’t imagine skipping a single day. To those of you who have been here since day one of the series or before, thank you for continuing to rock with me and I hope some of you have grown along with me!
2/2/19 - Celebrating Four Full Years of Wake ‘N Break Grooves!
When I launched the Wake ‘N Break video series, it was just a fun challenge that I issued to myself in an effort to strengthen creativity and discipline. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be doing this four years later without taking off a single day. 1,462 original drum grooves! Well, make that 1,462 and counting, because I’m not done yet! Thanks to everyone who has shown their support since the beginning and if you’re new to Wake ‘N Break series, there’s plenty of material to check out, so dive in!
1/2/19 - I’ve Reached 1,000,000 Views On Youtube!
As of today, I have officially reached 1,000,000 views on my Youtube channel! Compared to a ton of drummers that post content on Youtube, a total of 1,000,000 overall views may seem insignificant after over ten years of posting. The reason why I’m proud of this is because I did it with only 7,000 followers and 100% original content: no drum covers, no riding the newest fads, no flashy production, and NO COMPROMISE! To the folks who have been showing their support over the years, I truly appreciate every one of you. I’ve never done this for the views, but it’s great to know I have a small handful of people who rock with me each and every day. Much love to all of you!
1/1/19 - Happy New Year!
The holiday madness has finally died down and it’s a new year! I hope you all had a great 2018 and if not, here’s to a fresh start in 2019! I’m curious to see what 2019 will hold and I hope you come along with me for the journey!
12/6/18 - Purchase A Copy of My Charity Christmas Album!
The holidays are here again, so why not celebrate and help keep music education programs in our children’s schools at the same time? Purchase a copy of, “A Very Kind Beats Christmas: The Music of A Charlie Brown Christmas Interpreted” and I will be donating 100% of the profits to the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation, a group who’s sole purpose is funding music education programs for schools in need! Download at: https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/andrewmcauley2
The Andrew McAuley Trio will also be holding a special live benefit performance of the material on Sunday, Dec. 23rd at Beginnings Restaurant in Atlantic Beach, NY. THIS IS A FUNDRAISING EVENT, SO WE ARE ASKING FOR A $15 DONATION FROM EACH ADULT. Contact me at kindbeats@kindbeatsdrums.com now to make your donation and reserve yourself a spot!
Featuring: Andrew McAuley (drums, percussion), Dylan DeFeo (keys), Jared Miller (bass), with special guests.
12/2/18 - Wake ‘N Break Series Hits 1400 Grooves!
If you haven’t been following the Wake ‘N Break series, do yourself a favor and start listening from groove number one. There are currently 1400 and more on the way, so you can just sit back and relax or have fun creating with the ideas.
8/28/18 - I'm Back On Instagram!
After a three year hiatus, I've jumped back on Instagram. Follow at www.instagram.com/therealkindbeats .
8/24/18 - Wake 'N Break Series Hits 1300 Grooves!
Never in a million years would I have thought that what started as a personal challenge three and a half years ago would become such an integral part of my daily routine. To those who still follow, I thank you for staying on the journey with me and to those who may be new to the series, you have over 1,300 vids that you can catch up on! Much love!
2/2/18 - Celebrating Three Years of Wake 'N Breaks!
Man, time sure flies when you're....keeping time? That's how it feels to me with this morning marking three full years of creating a new groove each and every day with zero days off. I still can't believe it and I want to thank each and every person who has taken this journey with me. Here's to another year of inspired creativity for all of us!
1/1/18 - Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful 2017 and I'm looking forward to seeing what 2018 has in store for us. Personally, I'm looking forward to a year of new group projects, more teaching, finally getting the Wake 'N Break Instructional Book Series published and released (it's been a painstaking process but it's slowly coming to fruition!), as well as some other surprises here and there. Here's to a wonderful upcoming year!
12/11/17 - Upcoming Live Dates: A Very Kind Beats Christmas
I'm happy to announce that I have two fundraising performances coming up with Dylan DeFeo (keys) and Jared Miller (bass). We will be performing the music off of my new charity Christmas record, "A Very Kind Beats Christmas: Interpreting The Music of A Charlie Brown Christmas" and 100% of the profits from album sales and performances go towards funding music education programs and instruments for schools in need, so come enjoy a unique holiday performance and support music education at the same time! This is NOT your typical Christmas music!
12/20 - Rockwood Music Hall (Stage 1) in NYC @ 12am - Suggested Donation of $10 Per Person
12/23 - Beginnings Restaurant in Atlantic Beach (Long Island) @ 1pm - Suggested Donation of $15 Per Person (kids are free)
12/1/17 - A Very Kind Beats Christmas Is Now Available For Purchase!
Merry Christmas, everyone! My charity Christmas album, "A Very Kind Beats Christmas: The Music of A Charlie Brown Christmas Interpreted By Andrew McAuley", is now available for purchase on CDBaby! I've interpreted and rearranged Vince Guaraldi's classic records in myriad of different styles, ranging from avant garde and samba to some dirty N'awlin's second line and neck-breaking drum breaks. I will be donating 100% of the sales to help fund music education programs in schools that can no longer afford them. You can listen to the album here for free but if you enjoy it, I ask that you purchase the album and helping change a child's life for the better. Much love and Merry Christmas!
11/6/17 - Watch Samba Novo On The Action Bronson Show
As many of you know, I play in a long running NY based batucada group called Samba Novo and we recently were asked to perform on the "Untitled Action Bronson Show" on Viceland TV. You can find that episode here. They only show a sliver of what really went down on that studio set. Samba Novo and Action Bronson?
10/29/17 - Performing Tonight At the Stone With Billy Martin
Come down to The Stone in Manhattan at 8:30pm and catch a different kind of percussion performance. I will be joining Billy Martin and his Komodo Whirlygig Orchestra along with special guest Mark Guiliana in performing several "stridulation" pieces, which are conversational rhythms inspired by crickets. This is a small percussion ensemble and not your typical "tap your foot along" kind of drumming, so come experience something new!
10/28/17 - The Wake 'N Break Series Reaches 1,000 Episodes!
I seriously can't believe that today marks one thousand days in a row of creating a new groove, No days off. The only breaks in this series are on the drums! If you haven't checked out the Wake 'N Break series yet, you can click here to start. I hope that you tap a foot, bob your head, find some inspiration, or just enjoy a few chuckles.
7/20/17 - The Wake 'N Break Series Reaches 900 Episodes!
It's scary to think that at this point, I have now created 900 grooves in a row. It's as if time is moving in fast forward! Thank you to everyone who has reached out and shown love for the series. As always, I appreciate the support and I urge you to get up and go create something today!
4/11/17 - The Wake 'N Break Series Reaches 800 Episodes!
Another milestone has been reached in the Wake 'N Break series by reaching it's 800th groove! I hope you've been enjoying the series as much as I have been while having making it and I have no intention of stopping anytime soon. Start challenging yourself to do the same. Go forth and create something - ANYTHING - every single day!
2/2/17 - The Wake 'N Break Series Celebrates 2 Years Today!
It's hard to believe that today marks two years since the beginning of the wake 'n break series, and that's with zero days off! Go to the "Wake n Break" section of this site to see Wake 'N Break No. 732 and stay tuned for many more to come!
1/2/17 - The Wake 'N Break Series Reaches 700 Episodes!
I can't wrap my brain around the fact that today marked the 700th installment of the Wake 'N Break series! That's a new groove created and recorded every single day for the past 700 days, with absolutely no days off! I hope you continue to enjoy the series as much as I enjoy creating the content!
1/1/17 - Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, everyone! From playing in Samba Novo and Stick Against Stone to recording the charity Christmas album, "A Very Kind Beats Christmas - Interpreting The Music of A Charlie Brown Christmas, 2016 was a crazy and extremely fun year for me. I've met some incredible musicians to play with and am genuinely excited to see what music comes out of these new relationships! Here's to a happy and healthy 2017 for everyone!
12/25/16 - Presenting A Very Kind Beats Christmas
Merry Christmas, everyone! I'm proud to present you with this charity Christmas album, "A Very Kind Beats Christmas: Interpreting The Music of A Charlie Brown Christmas". I've reinterpreted and arranged Vince Guaraldi's classic records in a myriad of different styles, ranging from avant garde and samba to some dirty N'awlin's second line and neckbreaking drum breaks. I will be donating 100% of the sales to help fund music education programs in schools that can no longer afford them. You can listen to the album here for free but if you enjoy it, I ask that you truly consider purchasing the album and helping change someone's life for the better. Simply send me an email for info on how to order a copy. Much love and Merry Christmas!
12/8/16 - Help Support Schools With No Music Programs!
I'm trying to record an album of my own interpretations of Vince Guaraldi's classic "A Charlie Brown Christmas", and one hundred percent of the sales will go towards sponsoring music programs in schools that can't afford one. I beg of you to make a donation or spread the word and help me make this a reality! Kids need music in their schools, period. 'Tis the season and it's go time, so let's go! https://www.gofundme.com/recording-an-album-for-charity
9/23/16 - The Wake 'N Break Series Hits 600 Grooves!
When I started the Wake 'N Break series, I was simply looking to challenge myself by trying to create something every morning. I never thought that I would still be going strong 600 days later with no days off, so thank you to everyone who has been taking this ride with me and I hope you continue to come along for the journey!
6/28/16 - Welcome To The New Website!
After five years of the old layout, I'm stoked to present this new site to you! I hope you find it a bit more colorful and easier to navigate. Take a look around and feel free to let me know what you think!
5/16/16 - Introducing The Process Project
I've decided to start a fun challenge called #TheProcessProject and it's something for everyone to participate in. The idea is simple: start working on something new and document the learning process in regular video updates. Not only will we be able to watch each other's progress but we will also be able to see each other's individual learning processes, which can open up new doors to the way we may personally view or approach learning. It should also be a fun way to keep ourselves motivated or perhaps even more importantly, a way to motivate someone else. All you have to do to participate is post your progress videos on your various social media pages with the hashtag #TheProcessProject. That way, everyone can find all of the submissions by simply searching for the tag. The question is, "who is going to have the balls to join me and do this damn thang?".
Click here to watch my first submission and get an idea of how things will go down. Even if you don't want to participate, please invite others who you think may be interested in participating!
3/29/16 - Now Playing Drums For Stick Against Stone
I’m stoked to announce that I will be manning the drum set and helping to start up the latest incarnation of Stick Against Stone! The group has an incredibly unique sound and they have a deep history, having first formed back in the early 1980’s and going through various phases. I’m really excited to bring their old material to life and to see what we create together. Be sure to regularly check out the schedule section of this site for updates on when and where we will be performing.
2/5/16 - Celebrate Carnaval With Samba Novo
Carnaval is approaching and what better way to celebrate it than partying with Samba Novo Brasilian Music And Dance Group? You can catch some serious samba at the following venues:
Feb. 5th – Cuba Libre in Atlantic City
Feb. 6th – BB Kings NYC Midnight Bomba Party – 1:00am
Feb. 9th – Sushi Samba Fat Tuesday Celebration – 2 Sets: 8pm and 10pm
2/1/16 - Celebrating One Full Year Of Wake 'N Breaks
Well folks, today is a special day because it marks the 365th wake ‘n break in a row. That’s right, it’s been one straight year of wake ‘n breaks with absolutely no days off and in celebration, I decided to come up with a groove that is made up of three different time signatures. The first bar is in 3/4, followed by a bar of 6, and then finally a bar of 5. Click here to enjoy it! Thanks so much to everyone who has been showing their support and much love to each and every one of you.
1/1/16 - Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, folks! To celebrate the new year, I decided to bust out a wake ‘n break groove utilizing party favors, which you can see by clicking here. As always, I hope you enjoy the video and here’s to everyone’s 2016 being a great year!

Born in 1980, Andrew McAuley (aka Kind Beats) is a New York based drummer, percussionist, composer, and educator known for his outside-of-the-box approach to drumming. Taking styles from all around the globe, he seamlessly weaves them together with both neck breaking grooves and soaring soundscapes. Influenced by mentors and percussion visionaries such as Billy Martin (of Medeski Martin & Wood) and Cyro Baptista (Beat The Donkey, Sting, Paul Simon, Herbie Hancock), his belief is that everyone should try to discover their own unique voice on the instrument and that it is an ongoing process that never truly ends.
Andrew started drumming under Al Miller and later, private instructor Scott Foley. After a few years with no teachers, Andrew started studying under Billy Martin and was inspired to pursue studies at the world renowned Drummers Collective in 2001. There, he studied under masters such as Michael Lauren, Kim Plainfield, Frank Katz, Fred Klatz, Memo Acevedo, and many others. After completing studies at The Collective, he continued studies with Billy Martin and began studying percussion under Cyro Baptista as well (something that would later become a huge part of his playing).
To date, Andrew has had the honor of sharing the stage and/or recorded with Billy Martin, Cyro Baptista, Terry Bozzio, Anthony Coleman, Avery Storm, DJ Wally aka Pish Posh, Colleen Rennison (No Sinner), Ron Defrancesco's Samba Novo Brasilian Music And Dance Ensemble, Stick Against Stone, and more. He has also written instructional books, launched the free “Heavy In The Beats” compilation series for drummers, posted numerous free instructional series online, and also founded the KindBeats4Kids fundraising project for schools in need of music education programs.
free drum lessons
Here is where you can find links to all of my free online lessons. They range from exercises and experimental techniques to grooving and assimilating various styles. They're also categorized into several different series, so choose a starting point and have fun learning!
This particular series focuses on breaking down original drum grooves in a way that is extremely easy to understand. Check the video description of each lesson to find a link to the transcriptions and follow along and learn at your own pace! Enjoy the entire playlist!
This series focuses on experimental and unorthodox techniques for the drums. From rubber balls and wires to single handed 32nd notes and metallic objects, this series truly runs the gamut!
Here are a few lessons focusing on various topics, ranging anywhere from independence and technique exercises to exploring various ways to use clave to create drum grooves. Dig it!

wake 'n break series
The Wake 'N Break series is a challenge that I set for myself in February of 2015. The challenge is simple: wake up every day and come up with a new drum groove. I figured it would be a great way to work on both creativity and discipline. So far, there are over 500 installments with absolutely no days off. Just cycle through the videos in the youtube player to see the entire series. There are also breakdowns in the video descriptions of each groove. Enjoy!
Heavy In The Beats Vol. 2 - No Dough And Deep Pockets
Here are some free drum breaks off of "Heavy In The Beats Vol. 2 - No Dough, Deep Pockets" to use however you would like. If you use any of these loops, please send me what you come up with. I'm always interested in hearing how different people decide to use the grooves. To download the grooves, simply right click and select "save".
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats
Andrew McAuley aka Kind Beats


email: kindbeats@kindbeatsdrums.com
phone: (516) 286-9384
twitter: www.twitter.com/kindbeats
youtube: www.youtube.com/kindbeats
facebook: www.facebook.com/kindbeatsdrums